Zoo Crew Photography

I photograph my zoo crew, and I'd like to photograph your zoo crew!

Let me introduce my Zoo Crew...

Reindeer - Jenny (sable) & Gracie (blue merle)
Santa Claws - Jay Jay & Elf - Chase

I suppose you might want to know a little bit about me. I'm 39 years old, and I really enjoy photographing animals. I got serious about photography in 1996 and quickly found it to be a great career for me. I also enjoy horseback riding (of course!), playing with photos, and showing my cats in the household pet class. Most of all, I enjoy spending time with my own zoo crew.

Photo Sessions at shows

Digital Images on CD or 4x6 prints - $40 for 6 photos

Each additional cat - $30 for 6 photos Additional photos - $5 each

I shoot a variety of poses, and you choose your favorites.

Order a CD and receive both low & high resolution files of each photo.

Jpg files are great for websites and email, and the high resolution files are great for making your own prints and may be used in advertising.

Fully enclosed Canopy
Great for spooky or active cats

Most editing will be done at no charge.
Fixing an ear, eye, mouth, tail, etc.

No appointment required. Just let me know when you are ready. If you get called to a ring, we can finish later. I do not charge extra for a split session.

For two day shows, photo sessions on Saturday will have proofs ready by Sunday morning, and CDs will be ready by the end of the show.

For Sunday of two day shows, and all one day shows, time is usually limited. Some orders may be done by the end of the show. Most proofs will be posted online or mailed. CD or prints will be mailed.

At most shows, I set up the day before the show. If you would like to have your photo session during the setup time, please let me know in advance so that we can set up a time.

Contact Information

Meghan Noecker
New Phone: 253-250-8352
EMail: friesian@zoocrewphoto.com